4 ET Group Policies That Will Shock Traditional AV Business Leaders

Posted by ET Group on October 31, 2018

The following contains excerpts from an article written by Commercial Integrator.  Click here to read the full article.

Imagine having the power at work to make whatever decision you want, doing whatever job you want and getting whatever salary you want. At ET Group, there’s no need to imagine it. It’s a reality as part of the self-management AV business structure that’s been in place for the past two years.

Here are a few ways the Toronto-based company is setting itself apart from its competitors—and winning industry awards and attention in the process.

No traditional roles

While some employees carry traditional titles, such as CEO and chief strategy officer, the whole philosophy of and approach behind ET Group’s transformation is about inclusion and equality.

There’s no traditional AV business management team, only project teams focused on drumming up new work for the flourishing company and nurturing long-term relationships with clients and prospects.

Multiple roles for many

As part of the transformation, ET Group eliminated all management roles, all commissions and some HR functions that are considered standard and necessary in most AV businesses.

ET Group no longer has employees who come to work every day and do the same thing or who follow a particular job description. They instead “energize” particular roles, whether it’s for a day, a week, a month or a year…

Continue reading the full blog on the Commercial Integrator website: https://bit.ly/29dG509