I am pleased to share I am on the cover of Intouch Magazine talking about virtual collaboration and the future of work. I feel this is very timely as ET Group is undergoing a major transformation that is very exciting and important to deliver on our purpose of weaving people, space, and technology together.
I am thrilled for the cover and accompanying article on Virtual Collaboration not just because they shine a light on the awesome work of ET Group but because I feel this article highlights how we as organizations and society at large are evolving and embracing new ways of working that are richer, more effective, and more human to connect us around common purposes regardless of our physical location.
We are living in a highly complex world where challenges and opportunities are becoming harder to comprehend and address. I feel new ways of working, and the virtual technologies and healthy team practices that are fueling them, are a necessity to help address the challenges we are facing. Complex issues can only be addressed effectively by inviting our individual insights and talents and by weaving them together with the contributions of others. Virtual collaboration is allowing us to tackle these challenges without being limited by time and space. It is as if the virtual realm is finally becoming mainstream.
This is very relevant to our work here at ET Group of weaving people, space, and technology together as it becoming more and more important to help build bridges between the physical and virtual realms. As we continue to do this effectively, we are helping our clients evolve and embrace the future of work. Delivering on that potential reality is really inspiring for me personally and for our team as it makes our work more meaningful, resulting in higher engagement and personal growth for our amazing team members. In any case, I highly recommend the article to anyone wanting to learn how to collaborate virtually more effectively. Stay tuned if you are interested to hear more about my perspectives on the future of work and ET Group’s ongoing evolution.
Dirk Propfe CEO, ET Group