Overcoming Barriers to Hybrid Collaboration

Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Time: 08:00 PST | 09:00 MST | 11:00 EST
Duration: 2-hours
Location: Virtual on Zoom
Investment: Free
Content: In this 2-hour workshop, we will explore barriers to hybrid collaboration and go deeper to explore how our social interactions and organizational paradigms shape hybrid work.

Register today!

Save your spot in the May 22nd workshop. Space is limited.

You will learn

Organizations, more than ever, are searching for ways to evolve their collaboration to support employees in a hybrid way of working. But how? What is truly required to collaborate effectively in a hybrid world?

Everyone is talking about place, space and technology, but hybrid is more than those things. Trends show that even with cool spaces, exceptional tech, and free healthy food, in-office utilization is still at a record low. Why aren’t people returning? What are the blind spots? How are those blind spots impacting collaboration experiences for all users?
More than technology and redesigning spaces, we must go deeper to explore how our social interactions and organizational paradigms shape hybrid work.

In this 2-hour workshop, you will explore a framework that highlights potential blind spots hindering effective hybrid collaboration, collectively unpack evolving work paradigms and challenges alongside other senior industry leaders, and explore different ways of working to create a more human-centered organization.

  • 4-pillar framework for evolving your hybrid collaboration

    Learn what is required to collaborate more effectively in a hybrid world—technology, space, social interactions, and organizational paradigms.

  • New perspectives on the often overlooked facets of hybrid

    We will illuminate facets of hybrid work that are often overlooked and challenge assumptions about the hybrid experience.

  • Processes to deal with the complexity of the hybrid world 

    More than solving for symptoms, successful hybrid collaboration must take a more holistic approach. Learn processes and ways to work differently that can cultivate meaningful change.

  • Resources to navigate this in your own organization

    Whether you’re looking to start the conversation or advance existing efforts, we’ll equip you with insights and tools to support hybrid collaboration and digital equality in your organization.

Workshop Assets


Interactive Workbook

Participants receive a printable workbook in advance that they follow along to fill in answers and notes. They then have a completed copy at the close of the event.

Recap Email

A thorough reflection of the workshop including quotes, screenshots, and highlights from the event is sent to all attendees within 48 hours.

Insights Report

All the barriers surfaced in the workshop are curated and analyzed in a robust 20+ page report is provided to all attendees shortly after the workshop.



Workshop Testimonials


"Learned about the need to consider organizational beliefs and paradigms, and how they are impacting achievement of hybrid vision." - Donna, Senior Manager, Change Management

"I really appreciated discussing psychological safety, as I rarely see this. This gave a lot of validity to what we do, and empowered us on how we can approach our clients. I also really appreciated the emphasis on making space and allowing all people to have a chance to contribute." - Michael, Senior Interior Designer

"Workshop was really great - focus is truly important. New ways to work may not only mean hybrid work; this isn’t just about people working from home / not from home." - DJ, Interior Designer

"Excellent workshop and a ton of passion on the ET Group. Understanding that space and tech are only two components to addressing challenges faced with hybrid collaboration." - Anonymous

"Global perspective works well for fresh ideas in the workshop. Good validation of what we are hearing from clients and balance content regarding the role of technology without being sales oriented." - Lisa F, SVP Client Strategy

"This workshop is critical for organizations to survive & flourish." - Raidya, Co-Founder

Curious about the latest hybrid trends? Download this report!

Worktech Academy is a knowledge platform and member network that explores the future of work and workplace. Learn more about our partnership here.