How ‘Workplace Insights’ are Enhancing Hybrid Teams

In partnership with Vyopta, we’ve collected and analyzed data from over one million hours of hybrid video meetings. The insights we’ve uncovered reveal real space and technology challenges that many hybrid organizations are facing today, and the underlying reasons they may be happening. Learn how you can identify and solve challenges such a unusable tech, unengaged employees and unclear real estate decisions with Workplace Insights from ET Group.

Read the report: The Power of Insights in Shaping Hybrid Work.

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What you get:

Discover the power of Workplace Insights! Real-time user insights empower organizations to make workplace decisions that suit the true needs of your hybrid team, by helping you identify when, how, where and why your team members work the way they do. This report, produced in partnership with Vyopta, highlights some of the major hidden challenges hybrid organizations are facing when it comes to the utilization of their meeting spaces, and the real reasons they're happening. Here's a hint: it's not due to faulty technology!

Learn about Workplace Insights
  • Make better informed technology decisions

    We've identified 4 major challenges regarding meeting room technology and user behaviour, why they're happening and how to avoid them.

  • Increase the ROI of your real estate

    Learn how designing your office space to better suit the needs of your team improves utilization and benefits your bottom line.

  • Deliver the ultimate hybrid experience

    Meeting data and user data provided by Workplace Insights from ET Group help you determine the true needs of your team, and we can work together to optimize and support your workplace technology.

Curious about the latest hybrid trends? Download this report!

Worktech Academy is a knowledge platform and member network that explores the future of work and workplace. Learn more about our partnership here.