How to Attract & Retain a Hybrid or Distributed Workforce

Posted by ET Group on June 4, 2024


How to Attract & Retain a Hybrid or Distributed Workforce

Hybrid teams have unique needs, so it follows that the people who thrive in hybrid workforces also have unique skills and expectations. Understanding the type of talent best suited for distributed teams is the key to attracting and retaining these individuals for your organization.

At ET Group, we specialize in optimizing for hybrid work—including the spaces, technology, and culture that are essential to these environments. Read on as we show you how to seek out, recruit, and retain the people you’ll need to help your modern workforce succeed.

Smiling milennial employee in hybrid work environment with laptop

Who Thrives in a Hybrid Work Environment?

Hybrid work environments require a particular set of skills and characteristics for individuals to excel. Recognizing these traits can help you identify the right candidates for your team.

Key Characteristics

Hybrid workers must be:

Common Expectations

Individuals who excel in hybrid spaces often seek out workplaces that offer the following:


One of the main draws of hybrid work is the ability to work from various locations and at different times. Employees who value and expect this flexibility are more likely to be satisfied and productive in a hybrid role.

Tip: Offering flexible schedules and remote work options can attract top talent who prioritize work-life balance.

Technology Integration

Successful hybrid employees often look for workplaces that successfully integrate leading digital tools and platforms.

Tip: Ensuring your team has access to the latest technology and is proficient in its use can significantly enhance productivity and communication.

Learn More: Audio Visual Technology Adoption Starts with Better End User Training

Work-Life Balance

Many of the people who excel in hybrid environments prioritize a harmonious balance between their professional and personal lives. Companies that promote a healthy work-life balance are often the most successful at retaining these employees.

Tip: Offer resources such as mental health support, flexible hours, and remote work options. You should also consider what you’ll need to do to make your hybrid workplace a desirable place for employees.

Learn More: Encourage Employees to Come Into Work by Making the Office More Useful

Special Considerations for Millennials & Gen-Z Employees

Millennials and Gen-Z employees bring a fresh perspective to the workforce—and they often have specific preferences as well. Understanding these can help you attract and retain younger talent.

Purpose-Driven Work

Younger employees tend to seek meaningful work that aligns with their values. Emphasizing your company’s mission, social responsibility, and impact can make your organization more attractive to them.

Career Development

Millennials and Gen-Zs value opportunities for growth and development. Offering clear career progression paths, professional development programs, and mentorship opportunities can help retain these employees.

Tech-Savvy Culture

Growing up with technology, younger generations expect seamless integration of digital tools in their work environment. Providing cutting-edge technology and fostering a culture of innovation can make your company more appealing to them.

Learn More: Making Hybrid Happen: Six Principles for Technology Integration

Video conference room with in-office team members speaking to remote team member on screen

Leveraging Technology to Meet These Needs

Now that you have some direction about the types of candidates to focus on when building a distributed workforce, it’s time to think about the specific technologies that you’ll use to support and retain them. Here are a few essentials for hybrid workplaces:

Collaboration Software

Numerous different tools exist that can help distributed teams collaborate in real-time—from relatively simple examples like Google Docs to sophisticated virtual whiteboarding programs that let teams brainstorm, plan, and visualize projects together in real-time to bridge gaps between remote and in-office staff.


Video Conferencing Systems

These systems support high-quality video and audio, offer features such as screen sharing and virtual backgrounds, and are often compatible with other collaborative software. Ensuring these tools are user-friendly and easily accessible helps maintain strong team connections and facilitate efficient meetings.


Popular software for video conferencing includes:

Desk Hoteling Platforms

Desk hoteling allows employees to reserve desks or workspaces when they plan to work on-site. This flexibility supports the hybrid model by providing a structured yet adaptable office environment. It also improves the utilization of office space, which can help hybrid workplaces reduce unnecessary costs.


Robust IT Support

Robust IT support is the backbone of a successful hybrid work environment. This includes not only responsive and efficient technical support but also the implementation of remote workplace analytics.

ET Group’s workplace insights provide actionable data to hybrid workplaces about when and how their technology is being used. This information can be used to:

Learn More: 5 Reasons to Optimize Your Business Meeting Space with Workplace Analytics

Members of hybrid workforce in modern office space

Build the Right Hybrid Team for the Ideal Hybrid Workplace

Successful hybrid work requires harmony between people and technology. Use what you’ve learned above to refine your approach to recruitment so you can attract personnel who will actively thrive in a hybrid space—then work with us to ensure that your spaces and technology empower them to work happily and effectively.

ET Group creates custom hybrid workplace solutions for organizations of all kinds. Book a discovery call with us below and find out how we can help you bring your workplace into the modern era.

Book a discovery call.

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