How Remote Workplace Analytics Can Improve Hybrid Meeting Rooms


How Remote Workplace Analytics Can Improve Hybrid Meeting Rooms

Data-driven insights have paved the way for advancements in countless areas, and modern meeting rooms are no exception. Remote workplace analytics can help your organization create a more efficient and enjoyable experience when remote and in-person team members alike use your conference spaces and technology.

But what information should you actually track to gain a deeper understanding of how your technology is performing? Below, our team at ET Group identifies the most important metrics and provides you with tips on how to use this data to make meaningful improvements to your hybrid workspace.

Why Remote Workplace Analytics Is a Vital Part of IT

Remote workplace analytics is more than just monitoring; it’s about understanding and enhancing the technological ecosystem that supports your hybrid workspace.

Technology Challenges for Hybrid Meeting Rooms

Some of the most common obstacles to look out for in your conference rooms include:

Certified Service and Meeting Room Technician responding to alert from ET Group's Remote Monitoring software

How Remote Workplace Analytics Can Help

By identifying and swiftly addressing issues with your meeting room technology, your organization can ensure seamless interactions no matter where your employees are working from. This can be accomplished via:

In-person and remote team members holding meeting in hybrid conference room

Identifying Usage Patterns for Optimization

In addition to collecting information about the state of your meeting room hardware and software, it’s vital to look at how this technology is being used by your remote and in-person team members. This isn’t about keeping tabs on your personnel—it’s about identifying the technology that’s providing maximum ROI and finding areas where upgrades or additional training are needed to improve the rest of your setup.

Our Workplace Insights allow you to collect specific data about:

Remote Workplace Analytics: A Strategic Investment for the Future

Hybrid environments are not just a trend—they are the preferred workplaces of the modern world. As organizations continue to adapt to this new normal, their success will hinge on whether they can leverage technology effectively.

Remote workplace analytics can help your business stay ahead of potential issues, optimize your operations based on hard data, and continuously improve the hybrid working experience for your team. Contact ET Group to find out how we can help you get maximum value from the technology that keeps your people connected.

Frequently Asked Questions about Remote Workplace Analytics

How long does it take to set up Remote Monitoring software?

Setup times vary depending on the size of your organization and the extent of your needs—but the installation process for our Remote Monitoring solutions is designed to be minimally intrusive. Our primary objective is to ensure smooth integration without disrupting your existing operations or causing any downtime.

Can your system differentiate between a minor hiccup and a major issue, or does it send an alert for every small glitch?

Our Remote Monitoring solutions are designed to provide a holistic view of your hybrid meeting rooms, but they also prioritize alerts based on the severity and potential impact of the issue detected. Our Certified Service and Meeting Room Technicians are also trained on a wide variety of potential challenges, so we’re able to differentiate between major problems and small discrepancies.

Are ET Group’s remote workplace analytics compatible with my hardware and software?

Our solutions are designed to work with all leading software and hardware platforms. When you contact us about setting up Remote Monitoring, Automated Room Testing, or Workplace Insights, we’ll go through a detailed process to align your hybrid conference rooms with the service we’re providing.

Can I get reports after incidents occur?

Absolutely. Our team provides detailed incident reports after every alert, detailing the cause and the steps taken to provide a timely solution.

Can ET Group provide hardware repairs or just remote services when an incident occurs?

When our Remote Monitoring software alerts us to an issue with your meeting room technology, we base our response on the type of issue you’re facing. This could involve:

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7 Remote Work Best Practices for Your Team to Try


Remote work setups offer your team members a lot of perks—like better work-life balance and no commuting—but this shift also comes with unique challenges. Understanding and implementing a few best practices can mitigate these issues, allowing your remote workers to enjoy increased productivity, job satisfaction, and better collaboration with your on-site staff.

We specialize in setting up effective hybrid and remote workplaces here at ET Group, so we know all about the best ways to support your remote workforce while giving them everything they need to help achieve your organization’s goals. Here are 7 best practices for remote work you can try right now.

What Are the Main Challenges Facing Remote Work?

For all its benefits (and there are many), remote work also presents a few problems you’ll need to solve. These include:

But don’t let the above dissuade you from embracing remote work—you just need to make sure you’re setting your remote team members up for success! Clear communication guidelines, regular check-ins, and the use of collaboration tools can help you avoid these challenges. We’ll explore these strategies next, along with how to implement an effective cybersecurity policy and more.

Remote team member on video call to represent communication guidelines

Tip #1: Establish Clear Communication Guidelines

Clear, consistent, and effective communication is critical in a remote work environment. You’ll need to set clear guidelines on how to use your communication tools and set expectations around responsiveness.

For example, email may be suitable for non-urgent, detailed messages, while instant messaging tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams could be used for quick, time-sensitive communication. It’s also advisable to use video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Google Meet to replicate the in-person meeting experience. Remember, over-communication is better than leaving things to interpretation in a remote setting.

See Also: 10 Ways You Can Nail Your Conference & Video Meeting Rooms

Woman with laptop resting on balcony outdoors while taking break from remote work

Tip #2: Encourage Regular Breaks and Work-Life Balance

Although the flexibility remote work offers is desirable to most employees, it can also be difficult to manage when the home doubles as a workplace. Encouraging remote team members to structure their day and  take regular breaks is an excellent way to enhance productivity and prevent burnout.

Technology can help you here as well. Consider using time tracking tools like RescueTime or Toggl to help remote workers maintain this balance by setting work hours, tracking productivity, and scheduling regular breaks.

Remote work employee using project management software at laptop

Tip #3: Use Project Management Tools

Leveraging the right project management software can help your remote team’s ability to collaborate in real time with the rest of your business and keep everyone aligned. Platforms like Asana, Trello, and Basecamp can streamline task delegation, progress tracking, and deadline management.

Some of the features you’ll want to look for when choosing a project management tool include:

Team member at workshop for remote work on laptop

Tip #4: Provide Ongoing Training & Support

The learning curve associated with remote work tools and technologies can feel steep, especially for team members who aren’t used to it. Regular training sessions and support can ensure that your team remains at the top of their game.

ET Group provides workshops for remote team members that help them upskill and adapt to new technologies and trends. Consider using these to review your current work practices and make sure they align with your team’s needs.

Artist's rendering of virtual team building activities for effective remote work

Tip #5: Foster Virtual Team-Building Activities

Remote work can sometimes produce feelings of isolation among team members who are used to seeing their colleagues in person on a regular basis. Virtual team-building activities can bridge this gap, fostering connectivity and camaraderie.

Some easy examples of virtual team building activities include:

Platforms like Kahoot or Donut let you engage in learning games with other users. This can help your remote team members sharpen key skills while giving them opportunities to interact with each other.

Security graphics overlaid on laptop to represent importance of cybersecurity for remote work

Tip #6: Prioritize Cybersecurity

The transition to remote work has increased the need for robust cybersecurity measures, as more data is being shared across decentralized networks and accessed by a wider variety of devices. Ensuring data security is critical, and businesses should:

Services like NordVPN can provide secure connections, while password managers like LastPass can help maintain strong, unique passwords across platforms.

Manager in office providing feedback to remote team member via laptop

Tip #7: Regular Check-Ins and Feedback

Regular one-on-one check-ins between managers and team members are crucial for performance management and feedback in remote settings. These sessions can serve as an open channel for addressing concerns, setting goals, and fostering relationships. Tools like Lattice or 15Five can facilitate these check-ins, supporting regular feedback and objective tracking.

Get Personalized Remote Work Solutions for Your Business

Adopting the strategies above can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of remote work—but the needs of every organization are unique, so it may be useful to seek out advice tailored to your specific remote workforce. For recommendations by professionals who have spent years tracking remote work trends and helping organizations stay up to date, book a discovery call with ET Group. We’ll be happy to show you how to help your remote team thrive.


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How to Keep Conference Rooms Secure in a Hybrid Work Environment


Conference rooms are some of the most vital spaces in modern hybrid workplaces, since they allow your onsite and remote team members to meet and collaborate effectively in real time. But keeping the technology that makes this possible safe from potential threats is a pressing new challenge you’ll have to overcome when investing in these spaces.

As experienced designers and installers of custom technology systems for hybrid work, our team at ET Group is well-versed in the steps required to prevent hacks, data breaches, and other security risks. Below, we tell you more about how to keep your new hybrid conference rooms safe when setting them up and using them.

The Biggest Risks that Come with Conference Rooms in Hybrid Spaces

The amount of information shared via conference rooms in the age of hybrid work is breathtaking—which is why security is of the utmost importance for these areas. The most significant risks for most organizations all fall into a few different categories:

Unauthorized Physical Access

Unauthorized physical access can occur when individuals are allowed access to conference rooms without proper checks. To address this, it’s a good idea to implement stricter physical security measures such as keycard access.

However, conference rooms designed for remote workers must also account for the possibility that offsite spaces or devices could be accessed by unauthorized parties. Password policies and data privacy training can help resolve these issues (which we’ll talk more about later).

Man with child on shoulders accessing meeting from home.

Eavesdropping on Discussions or Meetings

Unfortunately, many conference rooms haven’t been designed with privacy in mind—leaving them vulnerable to eavesdropping from nearby areas. To mitigate this, it’s a good idea to revisit the space your conference room uses and implement technology that prevents information from being overheard by outsiders.

Hybrid and remote workers should also be encouraged to consider the offsite spaces in which they work—for instance, it may be prudent to discourage employees from joining meetings from cafes or other public spaces, and it’s probably a good idea for them to keep kids or other members of the household away from the technology they use to connect with your onsite team.

Insecure Data Transmission

Insecure data transmission occurs when information shared during meetings gets intercepted. To prevent this, your business should implement robust end-to-end encryption solutions to safeguard the data transmission during meetings. It may also be advisable to have your remote employees avoid accessing meetings or materials via unsecured WiFi networks, as this can create exploitable vulnerabilities for potential threat actors.

Artist's rendering of data being shared via conference room forming vague shape of skull to symbolize potential for data breach

Vulnerable Video Conferencing Systems

Lastly, video conferencing systems can leave security gaps if they are incomplete, neglected, or misused. To handle this, ensure that your video conferencing systems are regularly updated and have robust security features including password protection and encryption. We’ll talk more about the technologies we recommend using next.

Essential Tech for Improving Hybrid Conference Room Security

When it comes specifically to data security, several technologies are crucial for fortifying hybrid conference rooms. These include:

Artist's rendering of cybersecurity technology concept with checkmark in shield near computer screen as employee types

Vital Policies for Ensuring Secure Hybrid Conference Rooms

Hybrid and remote work environments should also establish comprehensive data security policies and procedures, such as:

Data security training session for employees in hybrid conference room

Securing Your Conference Rooms Through Employee Education

Instructing and training your employees about key safety practices concerning conference rooms and their technology is critical. Here are some steps we recommend:

Security Errors & Common Mistakes

Common security mistakes specific to conference rooms in hybrid and remote workplaces include:

Emergency Measures: What to Do If Your Conference Room Suffers a Data Breach

In case of a security breach involving your conference room, here are the steps you should follow:


Why Monitoring & Updating Your Conference Room Technology Is Vital for Security

Data security standards are constantly changing because threats continue to evolve at a rapid pace. As such, it’s critical to keep updating and improving the technology you use to connect.

Monitoring and improving security for your hybrid conference rooms can be achieved by:

While ensuring data security in your conference rooms requires an investment of time and resources, it’s a vital part of making sure your workplace can remain competitive and stay up to date with your team’s needs. Learn more about creating a cutting-edge hybrid work environment for your organization with our help, and make sure you’ll be able to help your people do their best work with secure, effective technology.


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Guide: Managing Your Remote & Hybrid Workers


In an evolving landscape where over 39% of global knowledge workers are predicted to be operating in hybrid environments by the end of 2023, the traditional concept of “managing” employees takes on a new dimension.

At ET Group, we believe that successful remote team dynamics don’t revolve around managing people in the conventional sense, but rather, fostering an environment where individuals can thrive through trust and empowerment. As the workforce becomes increasingly diverse in terms of location and work arrangements, it’s essential to shift the focus towards building team practices that prioritize open communication, strong culture, and accountability.

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the techniques and technologies required to adapt to the changing needs of your hybrid workforce, highlighting that effective management in remote and hybrid settings transcends mere oversight—it’s about enabling your team members to excel on their own terms while remaining closely connected to the organization’s mission and values.

The Differences Between Managing Remote & In-Person Team Members

Guiding remote teams presents a different set of challenges compared to guiding in-person teams. The physical distance in remote settings changes the dynamic of communication, teamwork, and productivity. The absence of traditional physical cues such as body language can make it harder to interpret emotions and engagement levels, posing a risk to effective communication.

Moreover, the boundary between personal life and work is blurred in remote settings. Remote employees might face challenges in maintaining work-life balance, leading to possible burnout. In addition, remote work opens up a broader talent pool, which may introduce cultural and time zone differences that need to be managed.

Manager meeting with remote employees through laptop

At a Glance: Challenges for Guiding Remote Team Members

Essential Tools & Technologies for Remote Team Management

Microsoft Teams logo visible on device with virtual meeting on laptop in background

To overcome the challenges outlined above, various tools and technologies have emerged:

Of course, choosing the right tools for your workplace will depend on numerous factors—including your current technology, your available resources, and the learning curve that will be required for your personnel to use them effectively.

See Also: Microsoft’s Hybrid Workplace Solutions for 2023.

Smiling remote team member working from home at organization with strong company culture

Building Culture & Accountability In Remote Work Environments

Despite the importance of using the right technology, that’s only half the battle. In a remote environment, building a strong culture and ensuring accountability is also crucial. Here are some strategies:

See Also: How to Build an Incredible Company Culture in a Hybrid or Remote Workspace.

Frequently Asked Questions About Managing Hybrid & Remote Teams

How do I ensure communication is effective in a remote team?

Using the right communication tools is key—but remember, communication is as much about policy as it is about technology. Regular check-ins, speaking and writing clearly and concisely, and ensuring everyone has a chance to voice their opinion can also aid in effective communication. This may require you to upgrade your video conferencing technology to ensure that remote team members feel equally seen and heard in meetings. Read more about designing conference rooms that work for today’s offices here.

How can I track productivity in a remote team?

Use productivity tracking tools and establish clear expectations and deadlines. Regularly review progress and provide feedback. Remember: flexibility is vital for managing remote teams, but it’s only possible to be flexible when you have a structure that protects your key processes.

How can I maintain a strong company culture with a remote team?

Regular team meetings, virtual team building activities, recognition, and rewards can help maintain a strong company culture—but consistent training is also a vital part of making sure your team is set up for success with the technology that keeps them connected. ET Group offers training to help your team adapt to the new realities of remote and hybrid spaces by advancing the practices they use and leaving behind paradigms that no longer serve them.

How can I ensure a good work-life balance in a remote team?

Once you have a strong structure in place for your core business activities and the right technology to support it, you can focus on ensuring that your people have the time and flexibility they need to thrive from anywhere. Encourage regular breaks, respect non-working hours, and promote a culture of accommodation. Make sure your team members also feel comfortable communicating their needs and boundaries.

What’s the best way to handle time zone differences in a remote team?

Use scheduling tools that consider different time zones. Try to schedule meetings at times that are convenient for everyone. Be respectful of your team members’ local work hours and personal time.

Managing a remote team can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, tools, and a forward-thinking approach, it can provide the best way forward for your organization and its members. As we move towards an increasingly digital world, mastering the art of managing hybrid and remote teams will be an invaluable asset for your continued success.

Remember, effective management in a remote environment relies on clear communication, the right technology, a strong culture, and accountability. With these in place, you’re well on your way to unlocking the full potential of your remote and hybrid teams. To learn more about creating a custom hybrid work environment that supports your team’s specific needs, contact ET Group. We’ll be happy to show you how to put the principles above into practice and reap the benefits.


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The Best Apps for Virtual Team Meetings

Key Points:

In the current era of hybrid and remote work, virtual meeting apps aren’t just useful; they’re essential. These tools keep your team members productive no matter where they’re located by enabling real-time collaboration and interactive conversations, facilitating better decision making and fostering human connections in an increasingly digital world.

As creators of custom hybrid work experience solutions for a diverse range of organizations, we know that choosing the right virtual meeting apps helps you drive productivity, increase inclusivity, and spark creativity for your people. Below, our experts give you an extra edge in upgrading the way your team meets with a list of the apps we recommend and why.

Feature Comparison: Popular Virtual Team Meeting Apps

High-quality video, HD Audio, Screen Sharing, Real-Time Captioning, Integrated File Storage, Third-Party Integrations, Meeting Recordings, Breakout Rooms, interactive Whiteboarding, Enterprise-Grade Security

Feature Comparison of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, BlueJeans By Verizon, Google Meet, and Cisco Webex


Top Virtual Team Meeting Apps At a Glance

Device with Teams app installed in front of screens showing remote or hybrid workers.

Via Adobe Stock.

Microsoft Teams

An integral part of the Microsoft 365 suite, Teams delivers comprehensive collaboration tools including video meetings, chat, and file storage, wrapped in enterprise-grade security and compliance features.

Why it’s useful:

Best suited for: Large-scale enterprise applications.

Employee using laptop with Zoom installed.

Via Adobe Stock.


Renowned for its user-friendly interface and high-definition video quality, Zoom provides an engaging and interactive meeting experience, suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Why it’s useful:

Best suited for: High-quality virtual interactions.

Laptop open in bright workspace with BlueJeans by Verizon running.

Via Adobe Stock.

BlueJeans by Verizon

BlueJeans offers superior video conferencing capabilities with a focus on spontaneous communication, immersive and engaging meetings, and streamlined enterprise-grade video conferencing.

Why it’s useful:

Best suited for: Businesses focusing on high-quality video interactions and cross-platform accessibility.

Woman in meeting with Google Meet.

Via Adobe Stock.

Google Meet

Accessible from any device and part of the Google Workspace, Meet makes it easy to schedule and join high-definition video meetings, and is further enhanced by accessibility features like real-time captioning and built-in recording.

Why it’s useful:

Best suited for: Seamless Google Workspace integration.

Remote worker using Cisco Webex to participate in meeting from home office.

Via Adobe Stock.

Cisco Webex

Designed with enterprises in mind, Webex supports various platforms and offers advanced features, such as screen sharing and automated transcriptions, all while maintaining high-security standards.

Why it’s useful:

Best suited for: Enterprise applications requiring advanced features.

Choosing the Right Tools for Your Virtual Meetings

All of the apps listed above are best-in-class options—but choosing one or more that will serve your workplace effectively comes down to understanding your organization’s needs and preparing your team adequately. The size and complexity of your organization, along with the tools you and your team already use, will play a major role in determining what apps are easiest and most effective for you to start using.

For professional help identifying your needs and integrating effective virtual meeting apps into your workspace, contact ET Group. We’ve installed or improved countless hybrid and remote workspaces for organizations in different industries, and we’re ready to do the same for you.


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Designing Conference Rooms That Work for Today’s Offices

Key Points:

Conference rooms are where your organization’s big ideas happen; when they’re designed right, they provide fertile ground for the strategizing and analyzing that drive you towards your goals. But with today’s widespread pivot to remote and hybrid work, many conference rooms need to be rethought—from the technology that’s included to the way space itself is used.

Redesigning your conference room to keep it efficient might sound like a big task, but don’t worry; our team at ET Group is here to help. We’ve spent years developing efficient custom hybrid and remote workspaces, and we’re here to share some of the principles that have helped our clients enjoy better connectivity, productivity, and success. Read on to see what we recommend.

How Conference Rooms Have Evolved in Recent Years

The conference room, a staple in offices for decades, has undergone a remarkable evolution over the past decade or so. Once a traditional boardroom filled with a large table, a whiteboard, and a clunky conference phone in the middle, these rooms are now technologically advanced, connected spaces designed to effectively support an increasing number of team members who perform some or all of their duties from other locations.

Employees in traditional conference room.Via Adobe Stock.

As workplaces have become increasingly digital, conference rooms have followed suit—evolving into interactive, versatile, and inclusive environments. This shift has been driven by a range of innovative technologies, from interactive displays and immersive audio systems to seamless collaboration tools and advanced connectivity.

Modern conference room with video monitor and other devices to symbolize the evolving needs of these spaces.

Via Adobe Stock.

What Conference Rooms Need to Stay Productive in the Hybrid Era

Redesigning a conference room to make it more effective for today’s unique landscape requires a deft balance of technological and philosophical considerations. Here’s a list of what we prioritize when designing conference rooms for our clients using our HybridX solution, which uses cutting-edge audiovisual technology to support people and their needs.

Technology Features:

Soft Features:

How New Technology Sets Your Conference Rooms Up for Success

When redesigning any space to accommodate new technology and the needs that come with it, the key is to offer tools that are intuitive, reliable, and always connected. These systems allow teams to work where, when, and how is best for them, regardless of geographical boundaries. It’s about leaving “complicated” in the past and empowering teams to connect seamlessly.

Motion blur photo of people working in modern conference room to symbolize efficiency facilitated by human-centred design.
Via Adobe Stock.

Embracing Paradigm Shifts to Support New Design Choices

To make the most of these advanced spaces, teams need to understand and master the potential of hybrid work. This includes embracing new meeting practices, creating self-managed teams, and utilizing design thinking to bring the hybrid experience to life.

We provide detailed education on how to make these adjustments via our consultations and workshops. Through these engaging learning experiences, your team can navigate the hybrid learning curve, introduce effective methods, and boost your productivity, no matter where they are.

Looking into the Future of Hybrid & Remote Conference Rooms

Today, the technologies required for truly dynamic and flexible conference spaces range from reliable video conferencing systems and collaboration software to smart, connected devices that can “talk” to each other. It’s also crucial to have a user-focused support system that offers real-time help and insights into technology usage and needs.

In the future, it’s highly likely that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) may play larger roles in conference rooms as the differential in the capabilities of physical spaces and digital ones continues to shrink. Imagine smart conference rooms that can automatically adjust settings according to the meeting agenda or VR meetings that can simulate in-person interactions for remote participants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Designing Hybrid & Remote Conference Rooms

What are the challenges of managing meetings with both in-person and remote participants?

Balancing the needs of in-person and remote participants can be tricky. The primary challenges when creating a conference room that accomplishes this goal are:

By seamlessly integrating high-quality video conferencing and smart connectivity tools, our HybridX solutions effectively address these issues. Book a consultation with our team to find out how we can design a unique space to support your team’s needs.

How do hybrid conference rooms improve team collaboration?

A well-designed hybrid conference room can significantly enhance team collaboration by offering:

What role does a support system play in a hybrid conference room?

Comprehensive support plays a vital role in keeping the hybrid conference room experience smooth and efficient. It offers quick technical assistance, real-time insights into team needs, and human-focused support. The HybridX solution provides lifetime support driven by user success, ensuring that your team always has the resources they need to make the most of their space and the technology it relies on.

What strategies can help teams adapt to hybrid conference rooms?

To maximize the benefits of hybrid conference rooms, it’s crucial to:

What considerations should we make for future-proofing our conference rooms?

Future-proofing involves anticipating technological advancements and team growth. Consider the potential roles of AI and VR, and ensure your conference room is scalable for team expansion.

HybridX, as a forward-thinking solution, is designed to evolve with your needs. When your space needs new capabilities, we’ll be there to help you develop them. See HybridX in action here.


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10 Ways You Can Nail Your Conference & Video Meeting Rooms

Key Points:

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are increasingly embracing hybrid and remote work environments to keep their teams connected, engaged, and productive. As a business owner, it’s essential to recognize the crucial role that conference and video meeting rooms play in facilitating seamless collaboration and effective communication among your team.

At ET Group, we specialize in providing cutting-edge audiovisual technology and custom hybrid workplace solutions tailored to your organization’s unique needs. In this article, we share ten expert tips that will empower you to elevate your conference and video meeting spaces, ensuring unparalleled productivity and collaboration for your hybrid and remote teams.

Video monitor on wall of hybrid conference room.

Via Adobe Stock.

How Conference Rooms Are Changing in the Era of Remote & Hybrid Work

As the era of remote and hybrid work unfolds, conference rooms are undergoing a transformative shift to accommodate the changing needs of modern organizations. The traditional conference room, once a hub for in-person meetings and discussions, is evolving into a versatile, tech-enabled space designed to bridge the gap between on-site and remote team members.

These next-generation conference rooms now feature:

These inclusions ensure a unified experience for all participants, regardless of their location. As we navigate this era of remote and hybrid work, the key to successful conference rooms lies in embracing these technological advancements and designing spaces that cater to the evolving needs of today’s dynamic workforce.

Conference room in hybrid workplace.

Via Adobe Stock.

10 Steps for Making Your Conference & Video Rooms More Productive

Invest in a Comprehensive Hybrid Workplace Solution

An effective modern video conference room should have top-notch audio and video equipment (including cameras, microphones, speakers, and conferencing software) to ensure crisp, clear communication and a professional appearance during video conferences. This minimizes disruptions and facilitates better productivity.

ET Group’s HybridX solutions are custom-built for individual hybrid and remote work environments and use technologies designed to improve communication by seamlessly working together. Acquiring the technology for your conference and video rooms from a single source is an excellent way to reduce the risks of compatibility and security issues that come with creating a piecemeal hybrid environment from scratch.

Prioritize User-Friendly Technology & Human-Centric Design

Choose intuitive, easy-to-use equipment and software to minimize the learning curve for employees and reduce technical difficulties, ensuring that meetings run smoothly and stay on track. We recommend taking a similar approach to setting up your space and choosing where your technology is located. Remember, your technology should serve your people and their needs—not the other way around.

Our hybrid workplace solutions prioritize human-centric design. This approach focuses on creating modular, adaptable spaces that are flexible and inclusive, improving well-being and productivity for remote and in-person employees. These spaces are also easy to update as needed, ensuring that they remain functional and productive as your team’s needs evolve.

Ensure Reliable Internet Connectivity & Prioritize Unified Communications

A strong and stable internet connection is vital for seamless video conferencing experiences. Opt for a wired connection where possible, and use Wi-Fi extenders or mesh networks to improve signal strength and minimize connectivity issues.

Having a stable internet connection is just one aspect of connectivity, though. You’ll also want to make sure your workspace is set up to facilitate unified communication—a much broader concept that encapsulates all the different ways your business integrates systems and platforms to support your people and their goals. Connectivity solutions that enhance unified communications enable team members to synchronously and asynchronously collaborate across your different video conferencing, voice, messaging, file sharing, whiteboard, and other tools for maximum productivity and minimum disruption.

Optimize Room Acoustics

Minimize echo and background noise by incorporating sound-absorbing materials, such as acoustic panels or carpets, and strategically positioning speakers and microphones to create an environment that minimizes distractions and helps your team focus.

Optimize Lighting & Ambience

Implement adjustable lighting solutions and consider the impact of natural light on video quality. Proper lighting enhances the overall meeting experience, reduces eye strain, and improves the visibility of both in-person and remote participants, contributing to a more comfortable and productive conference room environment.

Integrate Collaboration Tools

Make sure the digital devices in your conference rooms are set up with collaboration platforms that allow meeting participants to work on assignments in real-time. Using tools like Microsoft Teams, Webex, Slack, or Google Workspace to streamline scheduling and create or edit documents is an excellent way to enhance your team’s productivity by completing time-sensitive tasks together during meetings.

Office worker using digital whiteboard to give presentation in conference room.

Via Adobe Stock.

Incorporate Interactive Displays

In addition to cameras and microphones, we recommend equipping your conference rooms with interactive whiteboards or touchscreens. These tools support real-time collaboration by allowing your team members to brainstorm and share ideas in the moment.

Implement Effective Cable Management

Keep cords and cables organized and concealed to maintain a clean, clutter-free environment, preventing potential hazards and distractions and promoting a more focused and efficient meeting space.

Provide Training & Support

Offer regular training sessions and resources for employees on the proper use of conference room technology and equipment, empowering them to conduct meetings confidently and efficiently.

Our team can provide training to help ensure your team members are on the same page when it comes to using your meeting room’s video conferencing technology. Our workshops help you identify remote and hybrid workplace practices that can be improved, discover and implement solutions, and embrace effective new communication strategies that match your evolving infrastructure.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Establish a routine maintenance schedule for your audiovisual equipment and systems to prevent unexpected malfunctions and downtime, ensuring that your conference and video rooms remain productive and reliable for your team.

Delivering a proactive and preventative approach to supporting your technology will ensure your teams can experience maximum uptime and reliability in critical meeting spaces. Find effective technical support for your hybrid workplace that will eliminate the frustration and headaches of dealing with audiovisual issues on your own.

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Microsoft’s Hybrid Workplace Solutions for 2023

Summary of Key Points:

As the world continues to adapt to the demands of remote and hybrid work, Microsoft has developed a suite of applications designed to facilitate collaboration, communication, and productivity. Knowing more about these tools and how to make the best use of them in your IT environment helps you run a more effective remote or hybrid workplace, improving productivity and employee satisfaction.

Below, our experts at ET Group break down the key Microsoft apps that support remote and hybrid workplaces, analyze the competition, and offer a list of FAQs for remote workers using these Microsoft solutions. Read on and learn how to maximize the potential of your team and space by choosing the right tools.

What Microsoft Tools Are Common in Remote & Hybrid Work Environments?


Remote worker using device and laptop to access Microsoft Teams.

Via Adobe Stock.

Microsoft Teams

This communication and collaboration platform integrates chat, video calls, and file sharing, making it ideal for remote teams. It also has a wide range of third-party app integrations, such as Trello, Asana, GitHub, and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Best for: communication, collaboration, and file sharing in remote or hybrid work environments. Teams also excels at streamlining team chats, video calls, and document collaboration through a single platform.

Remote and hybrid workers in meeting room using conferencing software.

Via Adobe Stock.

Microsoft Teams Rooms

Microsoft Teams Rooms is specifically designed to help hybrid teams connect effectively through HD video, audio, and content sharing. One of its most useful features is called Front Row, which streamlines the layout to help all participants feel properly represented and included.

Best for: reducing friction in video conferencing meetings and eliminating the challenges that come with collaborating remotely in real-time.

Via Microsoft

Microsoft Surface Hub 2

An advanced software-and-hardware solution that lets your team members collaborate on documents together by combining whiteboarding with video conferencing and projection features. It’s also built to be compatible with Windows 10, Teams, Office, and OneNote.

Best for: collaborating on documents, presentations, and other content in a digital environment that facilitates real-time face-to-face feedback and dynamic visuals.

Microsoft OneDrive logo on laptop.

Via Adobe Stock.

Microsoft OneDrive

A cloud storage solution that allows users to store, access, and share files from any device, ensuring that remote workers can access their work from anywhere.

Best for: cloud storage and file access—specifically for larger files or file types unsupported by 365 applications.

Microsoft Teams folder with different applications on mobile device.

Via Adobe Stock.

Microsoft 365

A suite of productivity applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more, that support real-time collaboration and file sharing for seamless teamwork.

Best for: creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations that multiple users in your environment can access and work on together simultaneously.

Microsoft Planner open on mobile device resting on notebook.

Via Adobe Stock.

Microsoft Planner

A task and project management tool that helps teams plan, assign, and track work, making it easier for remote teams to stay organized and on schedule.

Best for: task and project management in remote or hybrid work environments, helping teams plan, assign, and track work effectively.

Microsoft Whiteboard app logo on mobile device.

Via Adobe Stock.

Microsoft Whiteboard

A digital whiteboard that allows teams to collaborate in real-time, with the ability to draw, write, and add notes, which can be especially helpful for brainstorming sessions.

Best for: building diagrams, facilitating brainstorming, idea visualization, and interactive discussions.

Comparing Microsoft’s Tools to their Competitors


Like Teams, Slack offers team messaging, file sharing, voice/video calls, and various app integrations. While the functionality of both programs is similar, Teams provides deeper integration into the Microsoft ecosystem, making it advantageous for organizations that already use Microsoft products.

Google Workspace

Google Workspace is a collection of productivity apps, including:

These apps offer real-time collaboration, email, cloud storage, and video conferencing. Microsoft 365 provides comparable features, but with a wider range of applications and more advanced security measures.


Trello is a project management tool that helps teams organize tasks and projects using visual boards, lists, and cards. It’s typically used for collaboration, prioritization, and tracking of work progress. Microsoft Planner is a direct competitor, offering similar task and project management capabilities but integrating more seamlessly with other Microsoft tools.


Microsoft Teams and Zoom both offer video conferencing, screen sharing, and virtual backgrounds. Teams and Teams Rooms have additional features like team messaging, file sharing, and deeper compatibility with other Microsoft products, while Zoom is more focused on video conferencing and offers features like breakout rooms and webinar hosting.

Woman raising hand to ask question during video conference.

Via Adobe Stock.

Frequently Asked Questions About Working Remotely with Microsoft Products

How can ET Group help my business optimize Microsoft Teams for our hybrid and remote work environment?

ET Group can analyze your specific needs, design customized audiovisual solutions, and seamlessly integrate Microsoft Teams with your existing IT infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance and user experience for your hybrid and remote workforce.

Can I access my Microsoft Teams meetings on my mobile device?

Yes! Microsoft Teams has a mobile app that allows you to join meetings and collaborate from your smartphone or tablet.

Is my data secure on Microsoft OneDrive?

Microsoft OneDrive uses encryption and various security measures to protect your data. However, it’s essential to use strong passwords and enable multi-factor authentication for added security.

Our team adheres to industry best practices and works closely with Microsoft’s security protocols to ensure that your OneDrive data remains secure and private while designing and implementing your custom hybrid work setup.

Can I export my Microsoft Planner tasks to a different project management tool?

While there isn’t a native export feature, there are third-party tools and add-ins available that allow you to export your tasks to other platforms. Our professionals can show you the best ways to connect Microsoft Planner to your current project management software or offer more effective alternatives.

How do I collaborate on a document in real-time using Microsoft 365?

Open the document from OneDrive or SharePoint, and then click “Share” to invite your colleagues. They can then join and edit the document simultaneously.

Can ET Group assist with training and onboarding my team to use Microsoft 365 effectively for hybrid or remote work?

Yes! ET Group offers comprehensive training and onboarding programs to help your employees become proficient with Microsoft 365 tools, ensuring a smooth transition to a hybrid or remote work model and maximizing productivity.

How does ET Group support the integration of Microsoft Whiteboard into our existing meeting room technology for a seamless hybrid experience?

ET Group evaluates your current meeting room setup and recommends the appropriate hardware and software solutions to enable seamless integration of Microsoft Whiteboard, fostering real-time visual collaboration between in-person and remote participants.

Can ET Group help us maintain and troubleshoot our Microsoft-based remote work infrastructure as needed?

Absolutely. At ET Group, we provide ongoing maintenance, support, and troubleshooting services to ensure your Microsoft-based remote work infrastructure remains reliable and efficient, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity for your hybrid and remote workforce. Contact us to learn more about setting up the right tools for your team so that you can keep them connected no matter where they are.


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How to Build An Incredible Company Culture in a Hybrid or Remote Workspace

Key Points

In the era of remote work, company culture remains just as important as ever before. In fact, we believe the relevance of company culture has increased due to the unique challenges posed by remote work.

The custom hybrid workplace solutions we create at ET Group are meant to combat the potential challenges hybrid and remote workers face, so we know all about how to use technology to enhance company culture, even—and perhaps especially—at a distance. Read on to learn about tips, tricks, and tools you can use to give your company culture a boost no matter where your people are working from.

Happy remote worker participating actively in their company culture.

Via Adobe Stock.

What Does Company Culture Mean in the Era of Remote Work?

Company culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that define an organization. However, in remote work environments, it can be difficult to maintain a sense of community and shared purpose among employees who don’t always (or ever) physically work in the same location. This can lead to feelings of isolation, disconnection, and disengagement.

To address these challenges, your organization should focus on building a strong and inclusive culture that supports remote work instead of resisting it, since remote work has many benefits (and, let’s be honest, isn’t going anywhere soon). By doing so, you can create a sense of belonging and shared purpose among your remote and hybrid employees, leading to increased engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Unique Challenges Faced by Hybrid & Remote Teams

The relevance of company culture in the era of remote work has not changed, but it has become more challenging to maintain. Challenges for hybrid and remote teams commonly include:

Office workers collaborating happily with remote worker.

Via Adobe Stock.

Tips for Increasing Employee Engagement & Culture Adoption

Companies that are able to adapt and create a strong culture in a remote work environment are better positioned to attract and retain top talent, drive innovation, and achieve their goals. Here are some ways to make sure your hybrid work environment supports and promotes your company culture:

Smiling employees seen through device being mounted in office to facilitate hybrid work.

Via Adobe Stock.

Frequently Asked Questions about Company Culture

What role do leaders play in shaping company culture in remote or hybrid work environments?

As a leader, you set the tone for your organization. You’re responsible for modeling the behavior you want and communicating your company’s values and expectations. It’s also up to you to make sure your employees have the tools and training they need to work together effectively—this could involve anything from upgrading your audiovisual equipment to completely redesigning your workspace to accommodate hybrid and remote employees.

How should I design a hybrid workspace to support my company culture?

Each workplace has unique needs, but one of the most important principles in creating an effective hybrid workspace is human-centered design. This design philosophy places the needs and experiences of people at the center of the design process, and views technology and infrastructure as resources intended to serve their needs.

In the context of hybrid work environments, human-centred design involves designing workspaces, policies, and technologies that meet the needs of remote and in-person workers. This approach will help you create a more inclusive and equitable workplace that supports employee well-being, productivity, and engagement.

How can I adapt my company culture to accommodate different work styles and preferences?

The more flexibility you provide, the more it will empower your hybrid and remote workers. Spaces and policies that allow for different work schedules are an important part of this process, as is providing training and resources to help your employees adapt to working remotely or in hybrid settings.

We also recommend adapting your work environment to accommodate new styles of working—like self-management, where the individual responsibilities of each team member are prioritized and shared commitments drive productivity instead of top-down mandates. Learn more about self-management here.

How can I make sure my remote and in-person employees are equally included and engaged in my company culture?

The key to this is to ensure that all employees, regardless of where they’re working from, have equal access to resources, information, and opportunities for connection. This may require you to invest in audiovisual technology that makes it easier for off-site employees to participate in meetings and team-building exercises.

How can I keep my company culture relevant as my business grows?

Monitoring your company culture helps ensure that it’s aligned with your business goals and the needs of your team members. Here are some ways to keep tabs on your company culture as your business develops:

Keeping your company culture relevant in a hybrid or remote work environment may also require you to update the technology your team uses to stay connected. Consider engaging a technology consultant to identify the areas where your communications technology needs improvement.


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7 Most Common Problems in an IT Work Environment & How to Fix Them

Key Points

Many businesses find managing IT infrastructure challenging—and with hybrid and remote work on the rise since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, IT issues have the ability to impact your operations more severely than ever. From compatibility problems across different services to team members who may not all be on the same page about how to use your setup, there are many IT problems that can plague you unless you approach them proactively.

As leading providers of hybrid workplace solutions, we’ve seen IT work environments of every kind up close and are extremely familiar with the problems most of them need to solve. Below, we’ll walk you through 7 of the most common and provide insights on how to solve them so you can start improving the technology your business relies on today.

Man with multiple devices in office looking flustered.

Via Adobe Stock.

Poor Communication

The Snag

This might seem like an HR issue instead of an IT problem at first—but trust us, it’s usually both. When people talk about using “the right tools” to communicate, they don’t always mean it as a metaphor; sometimes you literally need the right tools. This could look like outdated video conferencing technology, or perhaps an inadequate project management platform—the bottom line is, it doesn’t matter how good your team’s interpersonal skills are if they’re held back by obsolete IT.

The Solve

Good technology isn’t byzantine or obtrusive—when it’s designed and implemented properly, your team should barely know it’s there. Using IT equipment with human-centric space designs prevents your people from getting frustrated, improving their ability to give each other accurate information and solve problems together.

Compatibility Problems

The Snag

Software and hardware from competing brands generally doesn’t play nicely together without some specific coaxing (for example, some users experience issues attempting to join Microsoft Teams calls that have been created with Google Calendar).

The Solve

Using communication tools designed to talk with each other facilitates smoother transitions when exchanging data between different applications. Consider moving to a single-point solution designed to integrate your meeting platforms and communication software.

Security Threats

The Snag

“Piecemeal” IT environments cobbled together by adding individual applications or pieces of hardware over years often have gaping security holes that can be exploited by threat actors. For example, a business that’s recently started using cloud-based applications like Dropbox or Google Drive to store and share internal documents might not have a cloud access security broker (CASB) to enforce access control policies, allowing employees to use weak and easily-compromised passwords for their accounts.

The Solve

Investing in professional IT support can help you identify and plug gaps in your security posture. For example, you can learn about vulnerabilities that exist in your audiovisual setup by downloading our service and support package.

Frustrated man without adequate training at laptop.

Via Adobe Stock.

Lack of Training

The Snag

How often have you heard a coworker complain about technical issues when trying to deliver a presentation or host a meeting? Sometimes, technology isn’t the problem in these cases—it could be that your people don’t have the proper training to use it effectively.

Typically, If an IT problem can be solved by improving training or providing additional guidance to users, it’s likely a training issue—but if the problem persists despite training efforts, it’s likely a technology issue that needs to be addressed by IT professionals. Another tell is that some employees are struggling but others aren’t—for example, if some of your employees are comfortable with your new videoconferencing software but others are struggling to join meetings, the problem likely isn’t with the software itself.

The Solve

Teaching your people how to thrive in your IT environment is just as important as the technology it uses. Consider workshops that equip your team for hybrid environments by identifying practices that aren’t working and explore opportunities to improve them.

Remote worker videoconferencing with members of organization.

Via Adobe Stock.

Remote Work Challenges

The Snag

While remote work has become increasingly normalized since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are still struggling to adapt to its challenges. A lack of face-to-face communication in your organization’s IT environment, or poorly set-up conferencing technology that makes meeting attendees feel strained or tired (i.e. “Zoom fatigue”) can contribute to social isolation that has negative impacts on your organization’s productivity and the mental health of your team.

The Solve

There are actually a few things you can do to overcome these issues. Audiovisual solutions that simplify your ability to hold video meetings are an excellent way to combat the isolation that can come with remote work. Research suggests that the closer your video conferencing technology comes to recreating a face-to-face environment, the less stress and fatigue it causes for attendees.

It’s also worth spending some time and resources to discover exactly what challenges your team is having with remote work. Consider taking the time to engage a consultant who can audit your IT environment and find the most efficient ways to address your team’s pain points.

Limited Access to Information

The Snag

The more complex your IT environment is, the less likely all your organization’s members will be to use every feature or service. This can eventually lead to miscommunication (like someone neglecting to sign a time-sensitive document because it was stored on a cloud-based file sharing platform they hate using instead of being emailed to them).

The Solve

Creating an IT environment where your key applications are set up to share data doesn’t just help solve compatibility issues for your software and hardware—it also reduces the likelihood of human error when important information is being shared or tasks are being assigned. Learn more about the benefits of setting up your IT infrastructure to focus on user experience.

Two employees standing in server room upset by IT disaster.

Via Adobe Stock.

Inadequate Disaster Recovery

The Snag

Many organizations have inadequate disaster recovery plans, which can leave them vulnerable to data loss and system downtime. Often, this is due to the fact that these plans are not updated as the organization’s IT environment grows and changes over time, leaving gaps in the security posture that can be exploited.

The Solve

Invest in a solution to bring your IT equipment onto the same page. Our HybridX solution includes backup and recovery software to help you retain system configurations and other critical data for your audiovisual technology, helping you maintain business continuity even in the event of a disaster.

Unified IT Environments Remove Friction and Improve Outcomes

When your IT environment is updated so that critical applications and systems can communicate without errors or delays, you create a more secure, user-friendly, and productive workplace. This is especially important for the many organizations that have adapted to the challenges brought on by COVID-19 by embracing hybrid work environments and remote work.

Creating an optimal hybrid environment requires best-in-class data protection, technical support, and audiovisual solutions. Contact us to learn more about how the HybridX can provide solutions to many of the challenges outlined above by removing friction for users and streamlining the way your people connect.


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