Workplace Occupancy Metrics That Can Help You Better Optimize a Business Meeting Space

Posted by ET Group on March 25, 2024


Workplace Occupancy Metrics That Can Help You Better Optimize a Business Meeting Space

Understanding when, how, and why your business spaces are used by employees is the key to making them more efficient. If you gather the right data, you can optimize these spaces by investing in AV technology and making other adjustments that improve their ROI while creating a better employee experience. It’s a win-win.

But what metrics are the most important to track when you’re trying to validate these changes—and what can they tell you? Don’t worry; that’s where we come in. ET Group has years of experience helping businesses and other organizations transition their spaces, technologies, and processes to align with the realities of modern work, and we’re here to show you the stats that can give you confidence when making these decisions.

Employees in business meeting space to demonstrate fluctuating occupancy rates in the age of hybrid work

Key Benefits to Optimizing Business Meeting Spaces

Before we dive into the numbers and what they mean, it’s important to recognize the tangible benefits that optimizing your business meeting space can bring to your organization. Some of these are more quantifiable than others, but the most important and obviously valuable ones break down like this:

Key Metrics for Business Space Optimization

Now that you know why optimizing your space matters, it’s time to look at what data you actually need to do it—and what it can tell you.

ET Group collects workplace analytics that help our clients use meeting spaces and other workplace environments more efficiently, so we have some ideas about the most important metrics to track. Of all the information you can collect about the way your space is used, here are the areas we recommend you focus on:

Employees in business meeting space as room utilization rate is being determined Employees in business meeting space as room utilization rate is being determined

Room Utilization Rates

This metric measures the frequency and extent to which a meeting room is used. It’s usually calculated as a percentage, representing the proportion of time the room is occupied compared to its availability.

How to Analyze It

To analyze room utilization rates, look for patterns in how different rooms are used. Are some consistently underused? Or are there rooms that are always booked? Identifying trends like this helps with reallocating or repurposing spaces to match actual needs.

Potential Impact on Business Real Estate

High utilization rates might indicate a need for more or larger meeting spaces. Conversely, low utilization could suggest that a business is maintaining more space than necessary, leading to potential downsizing or repurposing of under-utilized areas.

Clock on wall of office to demonstrate peak occupancy times

Peak Occupancy Times

This metric identifies the times when meeting spaces are most in demand. It involves tracking the occupancy of rooms across different times of the day and week.

How to Analyze It

By understanding peak occupancy times, businesses can implement policies to manage high-demand periods more effectively. This might include reserving spaces for critical meetings during these times or encouraging meetings outside peak hours.

Potential Impact on Business Real Estate

Knowledge of peak times can guide the design and availability of meeting spaces. For example, if peak times are concentrated in certain hours, it might be more efficient to have flexible spaces that can be quickly adapted for meetings, rather than many small, dedicated meeting rooms.

Hybrid meeting in business space

Average Meeting Duration

This metric calculates the typical length of time meetings last in the business spaces. It provides insight into how meeting spaces are used in terms of time allocation.

How to Analyze It

Understanding the average meeting duration helps in optimizing booking schedules and room availability. For instance, if most meetings are short, the booking system can be adjusted to allow more frequent, shorter bookings.

Potential Impact on Business Real Estate

This metric can significantly influence the types and sizes of meeting spaces a business should invest in. If meetings are generally brief, smaller meeting spaces might be more suitable than larger boardrooms. Conversely, longer meetings might necessitate more comfortable and equipped spaces.

Additionally, a pattern of shorter meetings may indicate a need for “ad hoc” spaces—rooms that aren’t designed specifically for meetings but have the required equipment and facilities to accommodate spur of the moment conversations. This might include digital whiteboard tools to provide quick visual references, or video conferencing software for unscheduled calls.

ET Group technician collecting insights to help business optimize meeting space

Find Support Preparing Your Business for the Demands of Modern Work

The physical  spaces used by a business are investments, just like employees and financial assets. Optimizing these spaces is not about efficiency for its own sake; it’s a strategic imperative that has a measurable impact on your margins. The more you understand the metrics we’ve listed above, the easier you can maximize the potential of your physical spaces. This also helps you align your work environment with employee needs and habits, fostering better productivity and collaboration.

At ET Group, we help organizations of all kinds leverage data-driven insights to create better spaces with technology that enables seamless communication. The results are clear: a more engaged workforce, reduced operational costs, and better adaptability as the ways we work continue to evolve. Book a discovery call with us now and learn more about how we can keep you current and connected.

Frequently Asked Questions about ET Group’s Workplace Insights

How do you gather workplace insights?

Our team uses real data gathered from the way your team uses your business spaces to identify patterns in your workplace and recommend improvements. We use our Remote Monitoring Dashboard to track:

How do you protect my organization’s information?

Our support team is made up of certified professionals in industry-leading AV software and hardware. We have extensive training and experience, and have passed rigorous exams to ensure our proficiency in the tools and systems we use. This allows us to provide you with effective, up-to-date services and safeguard the data we collect to help you make better business decisions.

How can I learn more about using data to improve my business meeting spaces?

We partnered with Vyopta to collect data from over a million hours of hybrid video conferences and published a report exploring the challenges modern workplaces are experiencing. Download it here and get the inside track on how the right metrics can improve the way you work.

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